instrumentation | ابزار دقیق

نمایندگی شرکت هانیول Honeywell در ایران قسمت شیش


نمایندگی شرکت هانیول Honeywell در ایران 

نمایندگی هانیول در ایران 

Representative of Honeywell in IRAN 

شرکت Honeywell آمریکا 

شرکت هانیول آمریکا  Honeywell Company


ConneXt Safety Solutions

Real-time safety awareness — to maximize safety, productivity and compliance


ConneXt Safety Solutions combine wireless portable gas detectors and other safety devices with real-time monitoring software, so vital safety data is no longer limited to the worker using the device.



Instead, the data from each detector — including threat readings, alarms, man-down status, compliance status, worker location and other information — is sent instantly to a map-based display or handheld device that’s viewable from a remote location. That means you have centralized command and control on your workers’ safety, productivity and compliance.


ConneXt Safety Solutions come in several varieties, enabling you to remotely monitor safety, productivity and compliance — from a lone worker to an entire plant.